Summer 2023 Newsletter
Boy is it HOT!!!
A big big thank you for being great
Residents of Guiseppi’s Park!
All I can say is “Boy, is it hot”!!! I don’t ever remember the weather being this hot for so many days in a row! Which is why I’m urging everyone to take note of what can happen with high winds in climates this hot and dry.
We’ve been so fortunate and blessed without bad storms last summer and this summer, but we still need to be vigilant. And let’s thank God for that. Our prayers were heard, thank You Lord!
We can’t have the good stuff without a little bad stuff mixed in. This drought is causing problems we’re not used to dealing with! The grass isn’t growing as fast, but it’s so much windyer and dryer than past summers. Some lots appear to be abandoned so I’m bringing brush fire conditions to everyone’s attention. Yes I said brush fires in south Louisiana. That doesn’t normally happen, but as we all know from the news, things are different these days. I don’t mean to scare anyone, but I do need to bring it to your attention. There’s a burn ban going on locally so we need to be aware what CAN happen if we are not careful. Watering your gardens and keeping things wet for the next few weeks can make a difference. Abandoned trailers are more at risk, so please make sure this is taken care of ASAP. Early in the morning or before the sun goes down are best times in this heatwave.
The high brush is also where snakes find a home and lay eggs. So, if we can all participate in keeping grass & brush down, and remove the junk critters can hide under, get skirting around trailers completed, and be aware that weed eating & grass cutting needs attention, especially while things are so dry.
Curb appeal is also very important to the life of Guiseppi’s Park and to the people who live here day to day. Here are some problem areas…
- Abandoned vehicles with grass/weeds growing under them. I don’t like to add fees or raise rents but my warnings have been ignored. So beginning on September 15-30, I will charge $10/month fees for each abandoned vehicle parked on my property.
- Mildew, missing skirting, & high grass are not acceptable even if you are gone for weeks or months at a time. Please take care of these issues if they pertain to you. It’s not pretty to see for those who live here day to day.
Sadly, these things have become an eyesore and not good for business.
I can’t stress enough how important it is that we improve, not degrade where we live. We’ve worked very hard in the last 12 years at making GP a better place to live. I’m so happy we moved here and glad to have some great people living next to us. I think it’s much better than it was. But, I’m never satisfied. Please help me to continue to make GP a GREAT place to live for us all!
I’m inviting everyone to come by for a visit on my new deck when you have a minute. In the fall we’re planning a gathering and cooking something good, maybe a big pot of Joe Guzzetta’s meatballs and spaghetti when the weather improves. Everyone stay safe & happy & let us pray for a cool front soon!
Ms Lea & Nick
Guiseppi’s Park