Did you know that from out little town of Berwick we had five doctors who came from here within one block of each other on Pacific Street? They were Joe Granado, Sam Granado, Vincent Bella, Dr. Berwick, and my own son, “Bobby” Guzzetta.
Dr. Berwick used to play his phonograph outside of his drug store to attract and draw a crowd. But, after he played three records and nobody came in the drug store to buy something, he would cut off the music.
You have to be a true Italian to enjoy this story! Do you remember the big Dempsey and Tunny boxing match for the World Championship in 1927? I’ll never forget we were all discussing this when Bena Russo asked me, which one would I pity if Dempsey should beat up Tunny and puff up all his face. I stood up nonchalantly and said, “I would pity Tunny.” Just then Rocko Russo, who had been sitting on the floor all this time, did just that because he was laughing so much and Bena had tricked me into saying it.
Can you imagine Emile Babin not in a ribbon cutting ceremony?
Can you imagine Kenny Garber and Bobby Adams sky diving?
Can you imagine Linda Thomas walking and not jogging.
Can you imagine Jack Guarisco not complaining about anything?
Can you imagine Shot and Pat Parro not fishing?
Can you imagine Caroline Parro sitting down and relaxing?
Can you imagine Mary Frederick and Adelle Mahfouz ice skating?
Did you know that in October, Mary Dell Labauve and Linda Spitale got shook up in Italy?
Can you imagine Cedric LaFleur not traveling and missing the Kentucky Derby?
Can you imagine Nelson Cortez and Rodney Grow not working with Mardi Gras?
Can you imagine Mr. and Mrs. Aucoin (Aucoin’s Hardware) on vacation traveling through Europe?
Can you imagine Don Verret giving the Red Cross $50,000? No, I cannot imagine that!
Don’t you think Bob Breck of Channel 8, the weather man, and Don Westbrook of Channel 4, could ever predict the same weather report? Bob Breck says it will be clear and cloudy, while Don Westbrook says it will be cloudy and clear! I think they should both go to the old reliable and ask Nash Roberts.
Can you imagine my brother Joe Guzzetta not catering to his five beautiful daughters, not playing golf, not going to Branson, and not going to the casino?
Can you imagine Newton Smith not daily going to the post office?
Did you ever see Dot Bella without that lovely smile?
Can you imagine Dave Thomas not going to the bank?
Can you imagine Robert LaBauve not taking part in politics during an election?
Can you imagine Francis Russo in a hurry?
Can you imagine Gus Thorguson with a fresh shave and hair cut?
* The End *