I was talking the other day to one of my Holiday Inn coffee drinkers, Leo Ghirardi, who visits his wife every day in the nursing home in Morgan City. Leo told me there was a lady in the nursing home who is 89 years old and who knew me. Her name is Goldie Robicheaux. I said: “Yes, Leo, she used to come to my store; she was a very friendly and attractive lady.” I worked with her husband, Solly Robicheaux, at the Oyster Shell Plant in Morgan City along with Oscar Hebert, Gilbert Theriot, Bill Theriot and others. Goldie and Solly had two sons, Solly “Jack Rabbit” and Bryan. It was nice of you to ask about me, Goldie. I remember well when Solly used to take you and your two sons in his little boat to the movies and shopping in Morgan City. Goldie, those were the good old days!
I didn’t know that my old friend Charlie Roe worked at the Holiday Inn in Morgan City until my wife and I went there for breakfast Feb. 22. Charlie greeted us at the door with a big smile, a warm handshake, and welcomed us in. He sure makes a nice-looking door man all suited up. Incidentally, Charlie, I left a nice tip for you at the desk.
Did you know that in one season crawfish turn three colors? At the end of the season they are black – in the middle of the season they are red and at the beginning of the season they are gold – yes, at $24 a bucket.
I was at Lakewood Medical Center the other day and met Shirley Breaux working in the Gift Shop. She is one of the Ladies Auxiliary members. We started reminiscing about the old days in Berwick when I used to run the Berwick Theatre and Shirley lived in the next block. I asked Shirley how her mother was and that I remembered Miss Agnes as a very beautiful lady. Shirley said that her mother didn’t have one wrinkle on her face today. She must still be a very lovely lady.
I remember when Shirley’s mother and father, Joan and Guy, her sisters, would come to the theatre with all kinds of fruit and parched peanuts that they bought from Jerome Pizzo, who had a fruit stand next to the drug store. They really had a picnic while the show was running. I had to laugh at Shirley when she told me that she always had a charge account at Pizzo’s Fruit Stand, especially during oyster season. She said that she would go next door to Pizzo’s and he would shuck her all the oysters she could eat (raw). I surely miss my old theatre customers – everybody in Berwick was so friendly and were just like one big happy family. Well, you know that all good things come to an end. This era of show business was certainly one good thing that come to an end with the introduction of television.
* The End *