Going to a party with your wife is like going fishing with the game warden.
My wife had cooked me so many TV dinners that when I don’t feel well, I call the TV repairman.
I met Qunita Patterson in the store a while back. She was surprised to see me. She told me how much she enjoys my column in The Daily Review. Qunita was always a beautiful girl and very friendly. Thanks Qunita – keep reading.
I turned away from Qunita and bumped into Verna Vinning. She also said she just loved to read my column “Recollections.” She says that she laughs so much; that my columns are so different from other writers. Thank you, Verna.
I know a lovely home in Country Club that has three swimming pools – hot, cold and empty. The empty one is for people who can’t swim.
An embarrassing moment is spitting out of a car window when it is not open.
Do you believe in ghosts? When I was a little boy years ago, I use to believe in things like the Blue Bonnet Man who carried a hatchet. Also, the Axe Man who walks at night with an axe was another belief I had.
In those days, there were very few street lights. I would leave the picture show at night alone – it was dare, and I would run all the way home – shaking. Every time I would pass the graveyard at night, I could always see something in the graveyard moving – and brother, I went to moving.
They say that dead people don’t hurt you, but they make you hurt yourself.
When I had my liquor store in the ’70s, there was a man who I knew well in Berwick. He came in one day and said: “Hi, Nina, how are you?” I was shocked; I thought he died 40 years ago. In fact, I went to his wake. So I remembered now that his casket was not opened. I believe that he and the undertaker were in cahoots about something.
My wife believes in sharing the wealth. She shares ours with all kinds of stores.
My wife ain’t the greatest cook in the world. One day, she told me that she wanted to go to a place that she’s never been. I told her: “That’s fine; why don’t you try the kitchen.”
You all heard of blackened red fish? That ain’t nothing new. I’ve been eating blackened eggs for 40 years.
* The End *